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Book a Consultation

    Time Slot selected may be changed depending on the Doctor’s Schedule and availability.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Who are the consulting doctors?

    All the doctors are registered medical practitioners from different specialties : Gynecology and Obstetrics, Family Medicine, Diabetology, Pediatrics, Nutrition, Lactation & Breast feeding, Psychology.

    What to expect from a Video consultation?

    • Our doctors will give you expert advice on your problem and help you identify next steps which may include further tests, medicine recommendation or lifestyle tips. We do ask patients to share pictures or previous reports if they can, for a conclusive diagnosis. Few cases require face-to-face examination or a ultrasound scan at our Clinic. In such a case we ensure all your tests can be completed in one visit. Our reports are available online, and follow up consultation is done over video call.
    • After your first consultation, our team will guide you for home blood collection.
    • Our blood tests care carried out by NABL accredited laboratory.
    • In case a Scan is needed, we can arrange it on the same day as your blood reports are ready so that you can do the scan and consult the doctor at the clinic in the same visit. Alternately you may also opt for a video consultation.
    • If the doctor recommends you to consult a nutritionist or diabetologist, you can consult our panel of specialists, and our team will arrange everything.

    Is my consultation private with my doctor?

    Privacy of data is your fundamental human right and we ensure data privacy via SSl security. All your medical history and online consultation with us are completely private and confidential. We are compliant with industry standards to ensure your consultations are securely stored. Payment is via Razor pay and your information is completely secured due to SSL security.

    For how long is the consultation valid?

    In the case of a paid consult, you can follow-up with your doctor for up to 7days. In case you opt for a free consult, follow-up questions are valid for till 3 days only.